SEMA 2023: Viking Performance’s New Triple Adjustable Struts

adjustable strut

Shocks and struts are tasked with controlling how your suspension reacts to the surface you’re driving on. So, the more adjustments you have over the level of control, the better. Viking Performance now offers an adjustable strut that uses the same triple-adjustable technology as its shocks for Camaros and Mustangs.

Double-adjustable shocks give you the ability to control the rebound and compression. The Viking triple-adjustable struts let you adjust the strut’s high-speed compression, low-speed compression, and rebound. This increases your ability to fine-tune how the strut will work in any situation.

Clifford Adee from Viking Performance adds some details about these new struts and how they work.

“You can adjust the low-speed and high-speed compression independently of each other, and still have a rebound adjustment as well to control everything about the suspension and how it moves. What makes a triple-adjustable strut something that someone would want to put on a vehicle is the increased amount of adjustment and control. You can change ride quality when you’re on the road and the performance that you’re looking for on the track. Most of the time, a more comfortable street car will have a soft low-speed compression and then ramp up later for more performance.”

Currently, you can pick up a set of these triple adjustable struts for a third, fifth, and sixth-generation Camaro, along with Fox Body through S550 Mustangs.  You can learn more about the various kits Viking offers for its triple adjustable struts right here on the company’s website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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